Seafood should pop up on your menu every week if you choose wisely. Not easy if you don't live by the sea!
But be cautious of the frozen seafood in the supermarket as often cheap because it's from parts of the world where they lack sustainable fishing practises. The best option is to find your local fish monger who has caught it himself and you can ask where it came from - preferably somewhere near you!
Check out my "How to Cook Fish" post in the Helpful Hacks section.
I grew up by the sea and cooking seafood so I have a ripper instinct on if it's cooked or not. Trust your own instinct and think to how you cook chicken and beef. Fish is like chicken, a bit of a light weight so it cooks fairly quickly unless it's a deep sea variety that is more meaty like a piece of steak.
Most of the affordable fish that you may have as a family meal cooks well the way I have described here.
A tell tale that fish is cooked is that the segments start to separate or are easily pushed apart. Have a test piece to play with and check as you go. If you’re new to cooking seafood the trick is not to overcook it so test, test, test until you get a feel for how long it takes.
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