The quicker and easier, the better in my books! I’m a slap up, fuss free kind of cook, but want it to taste amazing without all the artificial crap!
When it hits the spot, the dinner conversation flows and everyone happily devours their meal, veggies and all! Win-win! Tasty, easy meals and happy faces!

After a couple of years running Healthy Lifestyle courses and workshops I wanted to simplify my business and it was my recipes were what I loved most and they were lifesaving for some.
They were simple, but tasty and ticked the healthy box. Busy people were getting back in the kitchen and enjoying what they cooked. Pantries were cleared out of the common, dodgy processed foods and they were feeling good about themselves again.
Everyone loved my recipes, but I found the herb and spice lists were getting longer.
I started making up big jars of these herby concoctions so I wouldn’t have to mix it up every time. People started to notice and wanted what I had! Ready-made flavour bases and seasonings, that can be used in a variety of ways, and guaranteed to taste amazing.
So off I went and created a variety of organic spice blends that made meal planning and meal prep easier, tastier and healthier.
I set out sourcing organic ingredients, designing packaging, website building and all the little things that made Secret Spice Co function as a business. The kitchen is my happy place so it suited me to flick the coaching and still help people improve their health, have easy options and enjoy their food.
They love the versatility, variety and convenience they get and keep coming back for more. They are decluttering their spice drawers and don’t need anything else to make everyday meals taste amazing. Some are seeing their young kids eat certain meats and vegetables that they normally reject which is a huge win in my books.

After 20 years of Intensive Care Nursing (did I mention that bit?!)
I had switched from caring for people at the crisis end of disease to helping people nourish their bodies and live a long life they love. Come join me in the Real Food Revolution and enjoy making simple food outstanding.